As Taxas de Compra e Venda do Token foram Redefinidas. 10% > 5%.

05 Jul 2023, 00:45
As Taxas de Compra e Venda do Token foram Redefinidas! 10% > 5% Em cada Transação é cobrada uma taxa de 5% que é Dividida da seguinte maneira: - 3% é queimada automaticamente - 1% é adicionada ao pool de liquidez - 1% é repartido entre os titulares ( A Porcentagem da taxa de queima não foi alterada, continua 3%)

Same news in other sources

CashHandCHND #7727
05 Jul 2023, 00:45
Token Buying and Selling Fees have been Reset! 10% > 5% A fee of 5% is charged for each Transaction, which is divided as follows: - 3% is burned automatically - 1% is added to the liquidity pool - 1% is shared between the holders (The Burn Rate Percentage has not changed, remains 3%)
Token Buying and Selling Fees have been Reset. 10% > 5%.
Token Buying and Selling Fees have been Reset! 10% > 5% A fee of 5% is charged for each Transaction, which is divided as follows: - 3% is burned automatically - 1% is added to the liquidity pool - 1% is shared between the holders (The Burn Rate Percentage has not changed, remains 3%)